
[H]ave you missed me?
[E]verything alright?
[L]ike to see you
[L]ike to be with you
[O]bviously i miss you


[L]et's [D]o [G]raffiti

Since the font gila kecik,ill read it for you kid's x]

When a tag doesn't say enough

At first your best bet is to stay proportional
Make sure the letter are consistent.Bubble
letter are always timeless and are pretty
fast to do.
1.Do your first outline in the color you plan to fill in
2.Fill in the letters with a smooth back-and forth motion
3.Outline you letter in another color
4.Add a drop shadow
5.If you've got time your hands, hang out and throw
additional outline around the whole thing in a third
color to make it punch out.Example:my favorite is
always a silver fill, black outline, followed by a St.
Patricks Day greeen or hot pink outline around the
whole thing..