
[H]ave you missed me?
[E]verything alright?
[L]ike to see you
[L]ike to be with you
[O]bviously i miss you


[W]ho [I]s [I]klil [H]aziqah?

The last person i'll love.

Delicious looking lips, Gorgeous lick-able pale skin, Pretty smile, Good looking hands, Glossy eyes, Great lover, Quite tall, Afraid of people obsessing over her, Cute feet, Stuffed toy collector, Hope giver, Experienced, Funny dance moves, Thick skin, Misunderstood, Hated, Loved, Envied, Used.

Goodbye, iklilhaziqah. I'm sorry, i love you(really did, really really). Time to remove you from my life.

About Azim Petra by Atiqah Zaini

firstly, youre so bloody skinny. you have this habit where you love to answer to your own question. then youre full of imagination. then kau lembik. hahah no i mean as in cam takde smgt. kau kena ada orang push. and kau tak nak buat things sendiri then kau suka online then kau ada mood swing if kau tk minat satu benda tu, kau blh delete or bt smth ots

[W]ho [I]s [N]urafrina [H]isham [?]

How did you fell inlove with Nurafrina, Mr.Noor Azim Petra?

It was all because of this picture back when she was in Form 2 a.k.a. Year 8. Isn't she lovely? I still like her smile, it makes me grin.

Tell us what you know about her or parts of her that you remembered.

In the beginning, she wasn't all that bright to me, she was kinda annoyingly dumb-like acting, yes i think she pretended to be dumb just so we could talk more. She asks me questions like "what does 'gian' means?", and i too was dumb enough to explain it to her in many ways. She hates it when someone says 'bosan' out loud, cause it hurts her knowing that she's making others bored. She's not: intolerant, stupid, nor lembik. Nurafrina has this creativeness in her, that makes all my letters seems like Sampah, her reminds me of Cinta Monyet cause she sprays perfume on it, shiny envelope, underlining before writing, everything is neat & attractive.

Saya Cinta Awek Orang

Part I - An-nnuura Nasuha Rasnatrazia Mohamad Rasul
Part II - Atikah Zaini
Part III - Syazwani Rahman
Ender - Iklil Haziqah

sigh, here we go again. every end of the year, it gets gloomy, friends are busy, my chat buddies ignoring me. life feels suicidal, but it also means that i'll fall in love all over again with another girl. In this case it's Iklil Haziqah which was Faiz's primary school ex. Sure he thinks im picking up the pieces but hell, she makes me happy but happy doesn't mean i'll totally rethink about the hngmn. I love you iH, thank you for being so lovely and loveable.
