Well the title says it all.The first thing i wanna do is meet An-Nuura(: talk about kisah lama,take some photos(: and THEN meet her lil sister SOFIA yang CHOMELL even i lost to her,salam auntie and smile macam Clown. then bawak mereka pergi makan lunch ^^, AZIM NAK MAKAN Berjaya's MEE CURRY,DAging PADAng && LEPAS TU PERGI TMC beli soya! ngaaa~!!belanja sofia teddy beAR!(ROAR~!!) thats not so cute. :D
Call faiz to pick me up and ketuk kepala each other then hug macam gay couple(AHA!).Suruh him bawa me jalan²,meet his girlfriend,and kept my kepulangan as a secret ^^.And esok i wanna go to my ex-school,meet some juniors after school ends or even better masa belajar :D(Jaga Kaorang!Aku Bagi Lolipop Kat Sorang².Ehe!) and ofcourse meet ---! bagi dia shark fin banyak²! aha..but first kena minta izin dekat her parent and her self :D(BOLEH TAK ---?) && waste whole day dengan her saja(;P biar ar! korang jealous asal?Kau pun Amira,tak yah jealous.You'll get your's).
Meet Iera on the next day,hug her ketat²! then salam arief(: (please jangan campak kerusi dekat aku seperti mu buat kepada amer :P,PADAN MUKA KO AMER!atleast berbaloi tul?dapat kiss.hehe!).Pergi tunggu dekat bawah rumah Amira and SMS her (HOI! TURUN!NAK KE TAK NAK?TAK NAK,AKU BLA DULU.PERGI CARI GIRLFRIEND BARU c(= GI MATI AR!) aha!mintak permission kat her parents&sis. then kick dia bila dah out from her family sight! ngaha! mati kau! sapa suruh jadi CHEAP!..eheh,then bawa dia pergi tengok movie yang paling bosan even if she say (dah tengok la cerita ni,bosan!)and end the day with a hug && a kiss (kalau la dia nak).Esok pula SMS sabrina (: ajak dia pergi OU or something,if she nak bawak her 'PAPAN' i dont mind ^^ then gi jalan2,shoppping,take photo's maybe,then STAB HER!lol jkjk.
&& then call my mum punya rakan sekerja yang kini tinggal di setapak (: mintak kerja if can :D then ajak faiz,fahmi,amer,amilia,atiqah,qilot,elly,nazz & annuura if shes free&& her adik SOFIA!& your partners if nak.(aku tak nak tanggun tambang partners korang) and we pergi somewhere yang everyone jarang pergi! (: girls tidur one room guys the other (: buat memories! ngehee.duduk dekat beach..keluar malam2 buat campfire pastu semua amik picture,baring²,and NO KISSING OKAY!(aku campak pasir kalau ada orang buat) && semua orang kena sporting.the trip aku rasa last for 3 days kot..semua naik VAN! ngaha! someone drive!ku tak ada lesen agaknya time tu.for the first night tu kita pergi tengok DRAMA!jangan cover² nak cry tu.
&& before the story ends! aku nak stalk semua orang yang azim minat! ngehe!those ppl includes:- Qistina(ekkk..nnt kena Cakar of Death) ---(ekkk..nnt parents dia parang pulak) Alina(ekkk..kang kena gelek scooter?lol!) Sabrina(ekkk..tak nak dia adik angkat aku) Nadia Wanie(ekkk..slash!) Iera(ekkk..dah hug!) Amilia(ekkk..dah camping bersama!) Nazz(ekkk..buat apa nak stalk dia ni?dia adik angkat gak)
& bagi iklil present ^^ sebab i feel like i want to.what a good friend she is.
[I]m [A] [B]itch - [F]inally [A] [N]ew [N]ickname
---: just wondering... ---: who do you like ---: ?? ---: now ? Azim: -_-" Azim: japs. Azim: aiyoh..mcm dunno pula ---: ckp je larh ---: i tell you everything Azim: suka qis looks,her garang. (: ---: then who you like larh pantat ---: tell je larh.. i wont tell anyone ---: : ) Azim: didnt i just answered? ---: owh .. riteeeee ---: okaaaaayyyyhhhh ---: but she likes someone else already larh .. you tau kan... ---: i thought you like shairah .. or ika ... Azim: o_o Azim: shairah?! Azim: wtf! ---: yeah .. you used her name tag as a disp name tadi Azim: oh..she gave.i korek wallet out of bordem (: Azim: found 6 lrt tickets ^^ ---: ish3 .. takde keje .. ---: loserrr :P Azim: yeah (: ---: uhuh Azim: :D Azim: ehehx..not only her name okay ---: : ) Azim: ish~ Azim: faiz also got ---: what did you say ---: ?? ---: cheh Azim: xP ---: got what ---: how bout ika ---: dont you like her Azim: hmm?(: yeah..mana dia.lama didnt online Azim: oh like? Azim: bukan she got bf ke Azim: x_x ---: dunno ... Azim: shes taller than me :S ---: SOOOOO... ---: BIG DEAL ---: HIGHT DOESNT MATTER Azim: hmm? Azim: oh. Azim: ;D yeah..height doesnt matter Azim: (: ---: sooooooooooooooo... ---: what you waiting for Azim: o_O ---: go ask her out bitch Azim: nope.she sudah ada. ---: nooo .. ---: she broke up already larh bangang ---: hhaha Azim: oh.(: still no? ---: y no balls bitch ---: ?? Azim: i don't want her? ---: y not fucktard.. she's hot okay Azim: saya 'tak' mahu ---: Y BITCH ---: ?? Azim: because saya loser? Azim: heh. (: ---: KNEW IT.. NO BALLS ---: AND YOU THINK QIS WAS GONNA ACEPT YOU WHEN YOU ASKED HER Azim: i already knew she wont. (: Azim: ^^ ---: cheh .. ---: then y bother to ask bastard Azim: because i wanted to. Azim: been 3 years (: ---: wwwwwwwwwoooooooooooaaaaaaaahhhh ---: to bad she's crazee in love with sum1 else now .. ---: haih.. ---: sian you Azim: tak apa :D saya mmg out of her league ^^ ---: tau pown bitch Azim: tau lama (:
Azim ini loser yang tak nak mengaku kalah and tau senyum je.Sebab tu ramai orang benci (: Azim tau Azim ni useless pentingkan diri sendiri,penipu,stalker,playboy,cheap,loser,bitch.Knknkn?^^
okay la..yg first tu we meet kt camp pengakap skbp.sya ngan me jd helpers..time tu i single.first day tu okay la..untill mlm i demam,then ade la her fren ni baik la gak kn..she comfort me.then esk je sya mule la acting gedik..cannot tahan i cakap u.so..now camp da habis,mlm tu sya msg me.i dunno where she get my number..so we chat2,then she minx cpl.i pown dun mind la..xpernah fikir bout cpl pown.we cpl dari 29 mac smpai la nk tiba PMR.so now sya kate nk break then after PMR cpl balik..i okay je.well the story bout me ngan sya smpai situ je..she nvm made tht promise.time break tu mmg sakit..every breath i take lg sakit hati.pedih sungguh..(//.x)
now i dh form 4..i choose to change.first day tu i duduk ngan bdk pndai la kire nye..mybesh fren duk ngan gf dye kt depan.so new year new frens la konon nye..first week tu okay la.then ade girl ni name dye halimatul aswani,pgl wanie jek.second week tu she mule la main cak2 ngan me plak..well i layan je la.at the same time tht month i chat ngan my junior nadia..she ni mmg baik.well ade la gedik2 skit (//.-) well actually we started chat since last year raya..she minx me duit raya.i kate OKAY I BG U..tp u kne cari me.well she x jmpe2 me smpai form4..class nadia across je.so tht time i mmg minat kt nadia..ade 1 night ni(after few days we pegi OU,amik her hadiah),i chat ngan dye then i kate klu i minx cpl u nk x.she replied nk..npe tny.well i saje je tny..then she minx cpl.i pown happy larh.. (//.^) after skewl we bnyk la kuar gi BSC.usually klu i ade prob i bg taw my bestfren..tp kali ni i bg taw wanie plak.wrong move betul la..da msuk bulan mac.time ni i gado ngan nadia coz she x ske twins kt dlm klass i n then i buat wrong move lagi,i bg taw wanie.so story mmg heboh cpt.then ble girl from my class dpt chance jumpe nadia dowang gado ah..etc.nadia mrh me sbb x def dye..well camne i nk def klu i ni baik ngan girls.so i mmg syg sume ah..except my lil sis ah.hehe..ade la 1 week ni i x dtg.the next isnin tu i xde mood..then after skewl i gi BSC ngan wanie.time naik tu okay..time turun tu bertembung ngan nadia lak.so she merajuk la..i mmg xde mood.i kept walking down the hill smpai skewl..tp wanie plak sibuk gi kt nadia. (//.@) y la wanie ni penyibuk..ble i smpai skewl i merayau la.then i terlepak plak ngan my fan(form 5..cute gak larh) we ckp2 la..then wanie jmpe me.she suruh pegi kt kantin (sit n stay) ahah..anjing la plak i ni.then wanie bawak nadia..time ni mmg i da ngantuk.so wanie kate skang yg mane azim syg..i diam jer.then wanie kate malas jwb eh..okay wanie ckp azim (yes or no je..mcm anjing lg.adeh) i cant choose both.so the answer is wanie..i penting kn diri je.so..not me.few weeks later..nadia ajak me tgk movie.tht all i noe la..what i didnt noe is tht she givin me second chance(y la she x cakap je..i could hav act diff).well i x taw i won tht second chance ke x..smpai situ je my story bout nadia ngan wanie.urm..baru 3 hari lepas nadia punya kakak bestfren bg taw me tht actually nadia punya kakak xske adik dye cpl.i got so mad yesterday n now still..sial tul la.she really syg me (//.T)
now..bru lepas cuti seminggu.tht sunday i keluar ngan amilia..mylia for short.tht sunday tu i terjumpe plak faiz(bestfren yg slalu ckp kn tuh) ngan setan2 dye.one of his setan tu amir(playboy la..dunno la wat word he use.sure dpt..sorry amir klu ko dpt taw i tulis ni).tht night..i fikir la gak nk minx cpl ngan mylia.tp teringat plak amir..klu i nk minx tlg pown i minx kt faiz la.tp first time plak i minx..i kate mampos la ko amir.aku nk yg ni..hehe.so..i dh send msg kt mylia then faiz plak send kt me tht mylia nk minx cpl ngan me..then i mylia reply dulu n said i would love to.. then i reply kt faiz aku dh dpt da,ko ni lambat la.next day tu faiz kecoh la..always ugut me nk kecoh kn me cpl ngan mylia.mylia skola lain..tp she famous gak la kt SMBB.every girl knal her..dunno how.now i mmg happy gilew !..then one day ni ade junior ni Shairah a.k.a. shai.she nk minx tlg kt me..shai kate bley tlg ilang kn rase syg kt dis boy(first i x taw la sape this boy..rupe2 nye anak cikgu.shai nk ilang kn sbb da kne reject).stupid kn i?i pergi terime tht favor plak,tp i bg taw shai tht i da cpl so hope u okay..then rite after skewl i msg mylia tht i nk tlg shai ngan love dye tu,harap klu dpt taw me ngan another girl tu jgn la salah paham.time ni mmg i loyal bout love..i x nk sakit kn mylia pown.so now i bz ngan shai..she okay la gak except i bz ngan kawat scouts tuk hari sukan nnt.so always smelly la..malu gile i nk jumpe shai.usually she ske ajak me pegi kt blok blakang skali tuk privacy..we ckp2 la bout stuff.i pown x remember..one time ni i peluk la shai while i duduk kt tangga.then i terjatuh plak.. (//.+) ah..so romantic tht time.we gelak..then kantoi lak ngan my kawan.then few days later she plak yg worried me gado ngan mylia..i ckp tak pe its okay.after skewl she kate nk jumpe..its important.tht day i sad la pasal wanie still gado ngan nadia..or the other way around.well wtv la..now da kt blok blakang.she nk break..i ckp okay,my work here is done la ni.so i minx 1 last hug..tp shai mcm x de mase so its a quick hug la.tht mlm..i kate kat dye..u betul2 mean ke that hug.she kate x..so next day tu buat lagi..time ni i harap time stop n biar kn camtu jer.so me ngan her da over..bac to mylia plak.time ni i dah jumpe my young auntie ngan my long lost cuzin..at this time i minx pause jup ngan mylia.she kate okay..well while i was wif shai,i dh mmg taw mylia ngan other guy(so mylia-ish)..the pause thingy didnt go well.we break..katenye mylia,ala lagi pown wrong timing we suka sama.i agree..so now we bac to frens.i ngan mylia da promise no farewell and goodbye.besh nye hidup time tuh..except for the i baru dapat taw tht kakak nadia x ske adik dye cpl.
[M]y [D]ecember [M]y [S]elf
NAMA saya Noor Azim Petra.Ramai panggil saya PET sebab diaorang ngok!tak ada lah..sebab appearance saya macam MatPet, and ada juga panggil saya AZIM sebab mereka baik.Saya ada 2 abang(azrin[2nd] & azrie[1st]) dan 1 adik(azriena[4th])saya benci adik saya,kalau boleh nak bunuh.Saya juga ada 2 adik angkat..sebenarnya 3 tapi 1 hilang.Yang pertama namanya Nazimah,second Sabrina..yang hilang tu namanya Fatin.
saya diLAHIRkan dekat Kuala Lumpur..dibesarkan dekat BandarBaru Selayang (Seroja,Teratai and Cempaka)tak tahu la kenapa banyak pindah.Di Selayang saya belajar naik Basikal,Guna Computer,buat Kawan(bukan la saya buat orang tapi cari kawan la)macam perangai budak dekat Selayang.Di Selayang juga saya mula ponteng sekolah(SKBBSBandar Baru Selayang) selama 1tahun (pertengahan darjah 2 dan permulaan darjah 3 sampai habis)kemudian saya pindah bersama Opah saya di Bangsar Baru.Disini saya mula hidup baru, saya bermula mengaji dan belajar.Di Bangsar Baru saya sekolah di (SKBBBukit Bandaraya)disini banyak budak CUN²,saya juga telah mula mengambil bahagian dalam Pengakap(saya tak pernah tinggal satu perkemahan)di SKBB saya ini budak baik,pendek,pandai tapi malas.Pada darjah enam saya henti daripada menyorok dan tunjukan kemampuan saya..UPSR saya telah score 4B1A(A science)
saya SUKA lagu pop sepeti OAG,rock macam Linkin Park [LP],techno like Dj Tiesto..saya mula belajar main Drum bila saya di sekolah menengah(SMKBBBukit Bandaraya)di high school saya mula rasa Cinta,Benci,dan Gila.Di high school juga saya mula buat personality, kalau waktu pengakap saya Baik tapi saya mula lepaskan kemarah saya dekat teammate,waktu sekolah saya suka tido,blur,tak nak bergaul sangat..saya juga suka lepak dengan pmpuan sebab diaorang suka cerita pasal teman mereka,gosip,etc.kalau lepak dengan lelaki selalu kena tarik dengan cikgu..saya mula famous kerana selalu kena tarik dengan cikgu nik(cikgu disiplin)dan saya suka kena tarik sebab tak payah belajar perdagangan(cikgu mengandung,ajar slow,benci tengok muka dia).Semasa Form3 saya masuk kelas last sebab masa Form2 saya fikir saya nak relax..so,semasa exam saya biarkan.Form3 dah masuk kelas last saya tak payah bawak buku sebab cikgu yang ajar malas nak tegur sebab banyak budak gangster(gangster la sangat,gatal ade la)dalam kelas ni ada 3 pmpuan sahaja,saya juga suka kelas ni sebab tenang dan senang belajar sebab saya boleh concentrate.Tiba waktu PMR saya buat semana yang saya boleh dan saya tak puasa!sebab brain needs food..(saya kena tarik semasa perhimpunan sebab bawak makanan)semasa Exam Geografi saya buat jawapan saya semua "C" dan resultnya juga "C" agama time sekolah menengah saya hancur.Form 4 saya dapat masuk kelas 5(MPV)saya ambil course teknik..mula² nak ambil course masak tapi sudah penuh.more about tentang cinta semasa sekolah menengah sila tengok blog satu lagi.
saya juga ada TEAM semasa saya di high school, [Y-Force]dilahirkan semasa saya Form1(2004)ahli nya Faiz - Kuda Amir - Kambing Fahmi - Monyet Aliff - Musang Iqbal - Ayam Saya - Seal(Anjing Laut)
nak tahu kenapa namanya macam tu?sebenar nya nama TEAM ni masa awal² ialah wild force..sekali keluar pulak cerita Power Rangers Wild Force.kami tukar la..TEAM ni sekarang hanya tinggal saya sebab Amir & Iqbal jadi Pengawas,Aliff masuk team bola,Faiz buat TEAM baru,Fahmi dah mula cari awek.Semasa Form2 saya satu kelas dengan Faiz..tahun ni saya belajar buat graffiti,sampai ke sekarang saya amalkan kelakuan vandalism itu.Ayat² yang saya selalu practice [ArtCrime,Vandalism,nama saya sendiri,nama awek saya,dan nama sekolah]
[A]mira [K]u
Amira seorang student sekolah menengah bukit bandaraya,dan mempunyai kakak yang bernama Ashikin yang juga bersekolah di sekolah yang sama.Amira yang berumur 13 tahun ini memasuki tingkatan [something].Amira used to be my girlfriend for a while until she broke up with me just to be with Faez Hendra.He's just one of my juniors,i've heard rumours that Amira is just making up stories.There never was 'THEM' being together,and i was "roflmao!" and it's seems he's not the only one that rejected her,theres alot of others.I just really doesn't seem to care about what she's doing to her self at that time.
Month's passed,and the finally stoped?or im just dreaming.Guess not,she's still doing her thing.Until one day,"Azim nak Amyra boleh?" said me.She replied "sanggup kutip balik sampah?","heh..sampah?ceh,merendahkan diri konon.Azim dah mintak balik patutnya happy la.Sampahpun sampahlah,what do you care?"."ehee..tak ada la sampah,betul ke ni?so we dah officialy back together la?","Ye Amyra ku."
Day's week's passed on,and it seems that she's kecoh-ing about her relationship with me.Her kawan also seems to be annoyed,well now..wish me luck that i could change her.
"Well That Was A Stupid Blog"
[T]hree-ga [K]ata
azim :azim baru saja
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :baring ngn kucing
azim :yang sangat gemuk
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :dari tuan die
azim :yang sangat chomell
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :x secomel akuh
azim :yang busuk sangat
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :xsebusuk orang 2
azim :yang berbau wangi
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :nak menang amik!!
azim :piala emas ni
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :aku punye la!!
azim :indie jalanan! yang
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :cmmnt aku td
azim :dekat myspace ni
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :sekarang jugak tau
azim :dia akan cmmnt
he gave up ^^ i won! finally.
[I]ndie [P]osers
i hate posers.especialy fashion freaks and it includes my own girlfriend.freakin indie! just enjoy the musics and have fun.you don't need thoses accessory to love songs FFS. NgaaA~!!! i hates thems.fuck fuck fuck!
[H]er [D]ia [K]au [M]u - [R]ejected
remember my last post?
well i was rejected kindly
She replied: sorry, I have to say no (: I'm not with anyone and dont wanna be at the moment, Sry
[H]er [D]ia [K]au [M]u
yer chantique and i want the be the guy that would be next to you 'would take a bullet?' hell no but i'l pull yeah away from the range coz its not nice to hav a guy that die first and you'll be alone fer a long time hug her? no,not if she hugs me first :D even if yeah slaps me in tha face i would even smile even more and no im not playing around i may..be too much of a perasan/loser guy. even if yer dont accept me you may say 'im out of yea league or sumthing like that' coz i think girls like you only take hot,rich and famous guys :
please pls plse pleas pleesss plezz plz
really really rly realy reallyeah realleh realllyyy not playin around~
there was one ketika that one of my friends wanted to 'try' you. && i was kinda jealous.i started to 'minat' you since my friend started to meet your bff friend every wednesday or so. you're the garang type and hot && so much more.but too bad you're the type that picky if i would tell you this infront of orang ramai. sure my friends would laugh if i failed and tak sangka i got the taste for yeah.
hope you don't hate me :
[E]arthy [C]apricorn [C]haracter
Capricorn THE GOAT is the sign of the achiever
If Capricorns manage to conquer their natural reserve and shyness they can make terrific partners. Although they are cautious and introverted, they can be very faithful once in a relationship. They really need a partner who will support them emotionally, while giving them a much needed boost in confidence.
The bright side
One of Capricorns best assets is its sense of humour, this is often needed in their efforts to impose some kind of order on the world around them, (though not necessarily an order to everyone else's liking). Although the humour is dry, it does at least involve contact with others, something that the self contained
Capricorn does not excel at. What capricorn is very good at are those tasks that other signs, (except the other earth signs), find rather tedious. Capricorn is prudent, reliable and disciplined. Reliable, determined, ambitious, careful, prudent, disciplined, hard working, persevering.
The dark side
Capricorns can be extremely rigid and pessimistic in their outlook, being gloomy, depressed and depressing in their interactions with others. They can also be emotionallycold and inhibited. The prudent and cautious side of their nature can be taken to extremes resulting in the unsociable realm of the miser.Capricorn needs to be in control to such an extent that they are often authoritarian. They distrust anything spontaneous which may deflect them from the task of changing the world to suit their own needs. Rigid, harsh, ruthless, cold, over exacting, pessimistic, way too conventional, miserly, a wet blanket to enthusiasm.
Arthritis, rheumatism, skin complaints, knee injuries, bone diseases, depression, eczema.
Beneficial foods Cabbage and kale.
You are most compatible with Cancer - a good match. Capricorn - long lasting. Scorpio - very strong. Aquarius - ok if you can converse with the alien.
Absolutely no chance! Libra - sorry, not a winner! Gemini - such hard work. Sagittarius - unsuitable. Leo - very different. Aries - likely to argue.
Your opposite sign is Cancer
[I]f [I] [R]eturn [T]o [M]alaysia
Well the title says it all.The first thing i wanna do is meet An-Nuura(: talk about kisah lama,take some photos(: and THEN meet her lil sister SOFIA yang CHOMELL even i lost to her,salam auntie and smile macam Clown. then bawak mereka pergi makan lunch ^^, AZIM NAK MAKAN Berjaya's MEE CURRY,DAging PADAng && LEPAS TU PERGI TMC beli soya! ngaaa~!!belanja sofia teddy beAR!(ROAR~!!) thats not so cute. :D
Call faiz to pick me up and ketuk kepala each other then hug macam gay couple(AHA!).Suruh him bawa me jalan²,meet his girlfriend,and kept my kepulangan as a secret ^^.And esok i wanna go to my ex-school,meet some juniors after school ends or even better masa belajar :D(Jaga Kaorang!Aku Bagi Lolipop Kat Sorang².Ehe!) and ofcourse meet ---! bagi dia shark fin banyak²! aha..but first kena minta izin dekat her parent and her self :D(BOLEH TAK ---?) && waste whole day dengan her saja(;P biar ar! korang jealous asal?Kau pun Amira,tak yah jealous.You'll get your's).
Meet Iera on the next day,hug her ketat²! then salam arief(: (please jangan campak kerusi dekat aku seperti mu buat kepada amer :P,PADAN MUKA KO AMER!atleast berbaloi tul?dapat kiss.hehe!).Pergi tunggu dekat bawah rumah Amira and SMS her (HOI! TURUN!NAK KE TAK NAK?TAK NAK,AKU BLA DULU.PERGI CARI GIRLFRIEND BARU c(= GI MATI AR!) aha!mintak permission kat her parents&sis. then kick dia bila dah out from her family sight! ngaha! mati kau! sapa suruh jadi CHEAP!..eheh,then bawa dia pergi tengok movie yang paling bosan even if she say (dah tengok la cerita ni,bosan!)and end the day with a hug && a kiss (kalau la dia nak).Esok pula SMS sabrina (: ajak dia pergi OU or something,if she nak bawak her 'PAPAN' i dont mind ^^ then gi jalan2,shoppping,take photo's maybe,then STAB HER!lol jkjk.
&& then call my mum punya rakan sekerja yang kini tinggal di setapak (: mintak kerja if can :D then ajak faiz,fahmi,amer,amilia,atiqah,qilot,elly,nazz & annuura if shes free&& her adik SOFIA!& your partners if nak.(aku tak nak tanggun tambang partners korang) and we pergi somewhere yang everyone jarang pergi! (: girls tidur one room guys the other (: buat memories! ngehee.duduk dekat beach..keluar malam2 buat campfire pastu semua amik picture,baring²,and NO KISSING OKAY!(aku campak pasir kalau ada orang buat) && semua orang kena sporting.the trip aku rasa last for 3 days kot..semua naik VAN! ngaha! someone drive!ku tak ada lesen agaknya time tu.for the first night tu kita pergi tengok DRAMA!jangan cover² nak cry tu.
&& before the story ends! aku nak stalk semua orang yang azim minat! ngehe!those ppl includes:- Qistina(ekkk..nnt kena Cakar of Death) ---(ekkk..nnt parents dia parang pulak) Alina(ekkk..kang kena gelek scooter?lol!) Sabrina(ekkk..tak nak dia adik angkat aku) Nadia Wanie(ekkk..slash!) Iera(ekkk..dah hug!) Amilia(ekkk..dah camping bersama!) Nazz(ekkk..buat apa nak stalk dia ni?dia adik angkat gak)
& bagi iklil present ^^ sebab i feel like i want to.what a good friend she is.
[I]m [A] [B]itch - [F]inally [A] [N]ew [N]ickname
---: just wondering... ---: who do you like ---: ?? ---: now ? Azim: -_-" Azim: japs. Azim: aiyoh..mcm dunno pula ---: ckp je larh ---: i tell you everything Azim: suka qis looks,her garang. (: ---: then who you like larh pantat ---: tell je larh.. i wont tell anyone ---: : ) Azim: didnt i just answered? ---: owh .. riteeeee ---: okaaaaayyyyhhhh ---: but she likes someone else already larh .. you tau kan... ---: i thought you like shairah .. or ika ... Azim: o_o Azim: shairah?! Azim: wtf! ---: yeah .. you used her name tag as a disp name tadi Azim: oh..she gave.i korek wallet out of bordem (: Azim: found 6 lrt tickets ^^ ---: ish3 .. takde keje .. ---: loserrr :P Azim: yeah (: ---: uhuh Azim: :D Azim: ehehx..not only her name okay ---: : ) Azim: ish~ Azim: faiz also got ---: what did you say ---: ?? ---: cheh Azim: xP ---: got what ---: how bout ika ---: dont you like her Azim: hmm?(: yeah..mana dia.lama didnt online Azim: oh like? Azim: bukan she got bf ke Azim: x_x ---: dunno ... Azim: shes taller than me :S ---: SOOOOO... ---: BIG DEAL ---: HIGHT DOESNT MATTER Azim: hmm? Azim: oh. Azim: ;D yeah..height doesnt matter Azim: (: ---: sooooooooooooooo... ---: what you waiting for Azim: o_O ---: go ask her out bitch Azim: nope.she sudah ada. ---: nooo .. ---: she broke up already larh bangang ---: hhaha Azim: oh.(: still no? ---: y no balls bitch ---: ?? Azim: i don't want her? ---: y not fucktard.. she's hot okay Azim: saya 'tak' mahu ---: Y BITCH ---: ?? Azim: because saya loser? Azim: heh. (: ---: KNEW IT.. NO BALLS ---: AND YOU THINK QIS WAS GONNA ACEPT YOU WHEN YOU ASKED HER Azim: i already knew she wont. (: Azim: ^^ ---: cheh .. ---: then y bother to ask bastard Azim: because i wanted to. Azim: been 3 years (: ---: wwwwwwwwwoooooooooooaaaaaaaahhhh ---: to bad she's crazee in love with sum1 else now .. ---: haih.. ---: sian you Azim: tak apa :D saya mmg out of her league ^^ ---: tau pown bitch Azim: tau lama (:
Azim ini loser yang tak nak mengaku kalah and tau senyum je.Sebab tu ramai orang benci (: Azim tau Azim ni useless pentingkan diri sendiri,penipu,stalker,playboy,cheap,loser,bitch.Knknkn?^^
okay la..yg first tu we meet kt camp pengakap skbp.sya ngan me jd helpers..time tu i single.first day tu okay la..untill mlm i demam,then ade la her fren ni baik la gak kn..she comfort me.then esk je sya mule la acting gedik..cannot tahan i cakap u.so..now camp da habis,mlm tu sya msg me.i dunno where she get my number..so we chat2,then she minx cpl.i pown dun mind la..xpernah fikir bout cpl pown.we cpl dari 29 mac smpai la nk tiba PMR.so now sya kate nk break then after PMR cpl balik..i okay je.well the story bout me ngan sya smpai situ je..she nvm made tht promise.time break tu mmg sakit..every breath i take lg sakit hati.pedih sungguh..(//.x)
now i dh form 4..i choose to change.first day tu i duduk ngan bdk pndai la kire nye..mybesh fren duk ngan gf dye kt depan.so new year new frens la konon nye..first week tu okay la.then ade girl ni name dye halimatul aswani,pgl wanie jek.second week tu she mule la main cak2 ngan me plak..well i layan je la.at the same time tht month i chat ngan my junior nadia..she ni mmg baik.well ade la gedik2 skit (//.-) well actually we started chat since last year raya..she minx me duit raya.i kate OKAY I BG U..tp u kne cari me.well she x jmpe2 me smpai form4..class nadia across je.so tht time i mmg minat kt nadia..ade 1 night ni(after few days we pegi OU,amik her hadiah),i chat ngan dye then i kate klu i minx cpl u nk x.she replied nk..npe tny.well i saje je tny..then she minx cpl.i pown happy larh.. (//.^) after skewl we bnyk la kuar gi BSC.usually klu i ade prob i bg taw my bestfren..tp kali ni i bg taw wanie plak.wrong move betul la..da msuk bulan mac.time ni i gado ngan nadia coz she x ske twins kt dlm klass i n then i buat wrong move lagi,i bg taw wanie.so story mmg heboh cpt.then ble girl from my class dpt chance jumpe nadia dowang gado ah..etc.nadia mrh me sbb x def dye..well camne i nk def klu i ni baik ngan girls.so i mmg syg sume ah..except my lil sis ah.hehe..ade la 1 week ni i x dtg.the next isnin tu i xde mood..then after skewl i gi BSC ngan wanie.time naik tu okay..time turun tu bertembung ngan nadia lak.so she merajuk la..i mmg xde mood.i kept walking down the hill smpai skewl..tp wanie plak sibuk gi kt nadia. (//.@) y la wanie ni penyibuk..ble i smpai skewl i merayau la.then i terlepak plak ngan my fan(form 5..cute gak larh) we ckp2 la..then wanie jmpe me.she suruh pegi kt kantin (sit n stay) ahah..anjing la plak i ni.then wanie bawak nadia..time ni mmg i da ngantuk.so wanie kate skang yg mane azim syg..i diam jer.then wanie kate malas jwb eh..okay wanie ckp azim (yes or no je..mcm anjing lg.adeh) i cant choose both.so the answer is wanie..i penting kn diri je.so..not me.few weeks later..nadia ajak me tgk movie.tht all i noe la..what i didnt noe is tht she givin me second chance(y la she x cakap je..i could hav act diff).well i x taw i won tht second chance ke x..smpai situ je my story bout nadia ngan wanie.urm..baru 3 hari lepas nadia punya kakak bestfren bg taw me tht actually nadia punya kakak xske adik dye cpl.i got so mad yesterday n now still..sial tul la.she really syg me (//.T)
now..bru lepas cuti seminggu.tht sunday i keluar ngan amilia..mylia for short.tht sunday tu i terjumpe plak faiz(bestfren yg slalu ckp kn tuh) ngan setan2 dye.one of his setan tu amir(playboy la..dunno la wat word he use.sure dpt..sorry amir klu ko dpt taw i tulis ni).tht night..i fikir la gak nk minx cpl ngan mylia.tp teringat plak amir..klu i nk minx tlg pown i minx kt faiz la.tp first time plak i minx..i kate mampos la ko amir.aku nk yg ni..hehe.so..i dh send msg kt mylia then faiz plak send kt me tht mylia nk minx cpl ngan me..then i mylia reply dulu n said i would love to.. then i reply kt faiz aku dh dpt da,ko ni lambat la.next day tu faiz kecoh la..always ugut me nk kecoh kn me cpl ngan mylia.mylia skola lain..tp she famous gak la kt SMBB.every girl knal her..dunno how.now i mmg happy gilew !..then one day ni ade junior ni Shairah a.k.a. shai.she nk minx tlg kt me..shai kate bley tlg ilang kn rase syg kt dis boy(first i x taw la sape this boy..rupe2 nye anak cikgu.shai nk ilang kn sbb da kne reject).stupid kn i?i pergi terime tht favor plak,tp i bg taw shai tht i da cpl so hope u okay..then rite after skewl i msg mylia tht i nk tlg shai ngan love dye tu,harap klu dpt taw me ngan another girl tu jgn la salah paham.time ni mmg i loyal bout love..i x nk sakit kn mylia pown.so now i bz ngan shai..she okay la gak except i bz ngan kawat scouts tuk hari sukan nnt.so always smelly la..malu gile i nk jumpe shai.usually she ske ajak me pegi kt blok blakang skali tuk privacy..we ckp2 la bout stuff.i pown x remember..one time ni i peluk la shai while i duduk kt tangga.then i terjatuh plak.. (//.+) ah..so romantic tht time.we gelak..then kantoi lak ngan my kawan.then few days later she plak yg worried me gado ngan mylia..i ckp tak pe its okay.after skewl she kate nk jumpe..its important.tht day i sad la pasal wanie still gado ngan nadia..or the other way around.well wtv la..now da kt blok blakang.she nk break..i ckp okay,my work here is done la ni.so i minx 1 last hug..tp shai mcm x de mase so its a quick hug la.tht mlm..i kate kat dye..u betul2 mean ke that hug.she kate x..so next day tu buat lagi..time ni i harap time stop n biar kn camtu jer.so me ngan her da over..bac to mylia plak.time ni i dah jumpe my young auntie ngan my long lost cuzin..at this time i minx pause jup ngan mylia.she kate okay..well while i was wif shai,i dh mmg taw mylia ngan other guy(so mylia-ish)..the pause thingy didnt go well.we break..katenye mylia,ala lagi pown wrong timing we suka sama.i agree..so now we bac to frens.i ngan mylia da promise no farewell and goodbye.besh nye hidup time tuh..except for the i baru dapat taw tht kakak nadia x ske adik dye cpl.
[M]y [D]ecember [M]y [S]elf
NAMA saya Noor Azim Petra.Ramai panggil saya PET sebab diaorang ngok!tak ada lah..sebab appearance saya macam MatPet, and ada juga panggil saya AZIM sebab mereka baik.Saya ada 2 abang(azrin[2nd] & azrie[1st]) dan 1 adik(azriena[4th])saya benci adik saya,kalau boleh nak bunuh.Saya juga ada 2 adik angkat..sebenarnya 3 tapi 1 hilang.Yang pertama namanya Nazimah,second Sabrina..yang hilang tu namanya Fatin.
saya diLAHIRkan dekat Kuala Lumpur..dibesarkan dekat BandarBaru Selayang (Seroja,Teratai and Cempaka)tak tahu la kenapa banyak pindah.Di Selayang saya belajar naik Basikal,Guna Computer,buat Kawan(bukan la saya buat orang tapi cari kawan la)macam perangai budak dekat Selayang.Di Selayang juga saya mula ponteng sekolah(SKBBSBandar Baru Selayang) selama 1tahun (pertengahan darjah 2 dan permulaan darjah 3 sampai habis)kemudian saya pindah bersama Opah saya di Bangsar Baru.Disini saya mula hidup baru, saya bermula mengaji dan belajar.Di Bangsar Baru saya sekolah di (SKBBBukit Bandaraya)disini banyak budak CUN²,saya juga telah mula mengambil bahagian dalam Pengakap(saya tak pernah tinggal satu perkemahan)di SKBB saya ini budak baik,pendek,pandai tapi malas.Pada darjah enam saya henti daripada menyorok dan tunjukan kemampuan saya..UPSR saya telah score 4B1A(A science)
saya SUKA lagu pop sepeti OAG,rock macam Linkin Park [LP],techno like Dj Tiesto..saya mula belajar main Drum bila saya di sekolah menengah(SMKBBBukit Bandaraya)di high school saya mula rasa Cinta,Benci,dan Gila.Di high school juga saya mula buat personality, kalau waktu pengakap saya Baik tapi saya mula lepaskan kemarah saya dekat teammate,waktu sekolah saya suka tido,blur,tak nak bergaul sangat..saya juga suka lepak dengan pmpuan sebab diaorang suka cerita pasal teman mereka,gosip,etc.kalau lepak dengan lelaki selalu kena tarik dengan cikgu..saya mula famous kerana selalu kena tarik dengan cikgu nik(cikgu disiplin)dan saya suka kena tarik sebab tak payah belajar perdagangan(cikgu mengandung,ajar slow,benci tengok muka dia).Semasa Form3 saya masuk kelas last sebab masa Form2 saya fikir saya nak relax..so,semasa exam saya biarkan.Form3 dah masuk kelas last saya tak payah bawak buku sebab cikgu yang ajar malas nak tegur sebab banyak budak gangster(gangster la sangat,gatal ade la)dalam kelas ni ada 3 pmpuan sahaja,saya juga suka kelas ni sebab tenang dan senang belajar sebab saya boleh concentrate.Tiba waktu PMR saya buat semana yang saya boleh dan saya tak puasa!sebab brain needs food..(saya kena tarik semasa perhimpunan sebab bawak makanan)semasa Exam Geografi saya buat jawapan saya semua "C" dan resultnya juga "C" agama time sekolah menengah saya hancur.Form 4 saya dapat masuk kelas 5(MPV)saya ambil course teknik..mula² nak ambil course masak tapi sudah penuh.more about tentang cinta semasa sekolah menengah sila tengok blog satu lagi.
saya juga ada TEAM semasa saya di high school, [Y-Force]dilahirkan semasa saya Form1(2004)ahli nya Faiz - Kuda Amir - Kambing Fahmi - Monyet Aliff - Musang Iqbal - Ayam Saya - Seal(Anjing Laut)
nak tahu kenapa namanya macam tu?sebenar nya nama TEAM ni masa awal² ialah wild force..sekali keluar pulak cerita Power Rangers Wild Force.kami tukar la..TEAM ni sekarang hanya tinggal saya sebab Amir & Iqbal jadi Pengawas,Aliff masuk team bola,Faiz buat TEAM baru,Fahmi dah mula cari awek.Semasa Form2 saya satu kelas dengan Faiz..tahun ni saya belajar buat graffiti,sampai ke sekarang saya amalkan kelakuan vandalism itu.Ayat² yang saya selalu practice [ArtCrime,Vandalism,nama saya sendiri,nama awek saya,dan nama sekolah]
[A]mira [K]u
Amira seorang student sekolah menengah bukit bandaraya,dan mempunyai kakak yang bernama Ashikin yang juga bersekolah di sekolah yang sama.Amira yang berumur 13 tahun ini memasuki tingkatan [something].Amira used to be my girlfriend for a while until she broke up with me just to be with Faez Hendra.He's just one of my juniors,i've heard rumours that Amira is just making up stories.There never was 'THEM' being together,and i was "roflmao!" and it's seems he's not the only one that rejected her,theres alot of others.I just really doesn't seem to care about what she's doing to her self at that time.
Month's passed,and the finally stoped?or im just dreaming.Guess not,she's still doing her thing.Until one day,"Azim nak Amyra boleh?" said me.She replied "sanggup kutip balik sampah?","heh..sampah?ceh,merendahkan diri konon.Azim dah mintak balik patutnya happy la.Sampahpun sampahlah,what do you care?"."ehee..tak ada la sampah,betul ke ni?so we dah officialy back together la?","Ye Amyra ku."
Day's week's passed on,and it seems that she's kecoh-ing about her relationship with me.Her kawan also seems to be annoyed,well now..wish me luck that i could change her.
"Well That Was A Stupid Blog"
[T]hree-ga [K]ata
azim :azim baru saja
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :baring ngn kucing
azim :yang sangat gemuk
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :dari tuan die
azim :yang sangat chomell
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :x secomel akuh
azim :yang busuk sangat
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :xsebusuk orang 2
azim :yang berbau wangi
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :nak menang amik!!
azim :piala emas ni
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :aku punye la!!
azim :indie jalanan! yang
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :cmmnt aku td
azim :dekat myspace ni
-[z]Ha_MyS[z]- :sekarang jugak tau
azim :dia akan cmmnt
he gave up ^^ i won! finally.
[I]ndie [P]osers
i hate posers.especialy fashion freaks and it includes my own girlfriend.freakin indie! just enjoy the musics and have fun.you don't need thoses accessory to love songs FFS. NgaaA~!!! i hates thems.fuck fuck fuck!
[H]er [D]ia [K]au [M]u - [R]ejected
remember my last post?
well i was rejected kindly
She replied: sorry, I have to say no (: I'm not with anyone and dont wanna be at the moment, Sry
[H]er [D]ia [K]au [M]u
yer chantique and i want the be the guy that would be next to you 'would take a bullet?' hell no but i'l pull yeah away from the range coz its not nice to hav a guy that die first and you'll be alone fer a long time hug her? no,not if she hugs me first :D even if yeah slaps me in tha face i would even smile even more and no im not playing around i may..be too much of a perasan/loser guy. even if yer dont accept me you may say 'im out of yea league or sumthing like that' coz i think girls like you only take hot,rich and famous guys :
please pls plse pleas pleesss plezz plz
really really rly realy reallyeah realleh realllyyy not playin around~
there was one ketika that one of my friends wanted to 'try' you. && i was kinda jealous.i started to 'minat' you since my friend started to meet your bff friend every wednesday or so. you're the garang type and hot && so much more.but too bad you're the type that picky if i would tell you this infront of orang ramai. sure my friends would laugh if i failed and tak sangka i got the taste for yeah.
hope you don't hate me :
[E]arthy [C]apricorn [C]haracter
Capricorn THE GOAT is the sign of the achiever
If Capricorns manage to conquer their natural reserve and shyness they can make terrific partners. Although they are cautious and introverted, they can be very faithful once in a relationship. They really need a partner who will support them emotionally, while giving them a much needed boost in confidence.
The bright side
One of Capricorns best assets is its sense of humour, this is often needed in their efforts to impose some kind of order on the world around them, (though not necessarily an order to everyone else's liking). Although the humour is dry, it does at least involve contact with others, something that the self contained
Capricorn does not excel at. What capricorn is very good at are those tasks that other signs, (except the other earth signs), find rather tedious. Capricorn is prudent, reliable and disciplined. Reliable, determined, ambitious, careful, prudent, disciplined, hard working, persevering.
The dark side
Capricorns can be extremely rigid and pessimistic in their outlook, being gloomy, depressed and depressing in their interactions with others. They can also be emotionallycold and inhibited. The prudent and cautious side of their nature can be taken to extremes resulting in the unsociable realm of the miser.Capricorn needs to be in control to such an extent that they are often authoritarian. They distrust anything spontaneous which may deflect them from the task of changing the world to suit their own needs. Rigid, harsh, ruthless, cold, over exacting, pessimistic, way too conventional, miserly, a wet blanket to enthusiasm.
Arthritis, rheumatism, skin complaints, knee injuries, bone diseases, depression, eczema.
Beneficial foods Cabbage and kale.
You are most compatible with Cancer - a good match. Capricorn - long lasting. Scorpio - very strong. Aquarius - ok if you can converse with the alien.
Absolutely no chance! Libra - sorry, not a winner! Gemini - such hard work. Sagittarius - unsuitable. Leo - very different. Aries - likely to argue.
firstly, youre so bloody skinny. you have this habit where you love to answer to your own question. then youre full of imagination. then kau lembik. hahah no i mean as in cam takde smgt. kau kena ada orang push. and kau tak nak buat things sendiri .then kau suka online then kau ada mood swing if kau tk minat satu benda tu, kau blh delete or bt smth ots
seorang budak yang jahat..
ade hati nak bagos maen drum..
tapi xnk usaha..haha...kalo ku bakek m'sia..ku boleyh ajar ko..
die budak yang pendiam dan suke tidow..baik hati tapi xselalu..
haha..zim..ku miss gler kt ko..
nnty ku sambong lagi..
urmmmmm....azim petra ekkk...urmmm..actually die niy seorang yg ske duduk diam...pemalas n ske tangguhkan sesuatu keje...tetapi jahat2 die pown masih ade prasaan suci murni...nak tau ape..kwn la dgn die sndiri..bende yg paling aku x ske tgk die buat kalau die sepetkan mate n then wat gaye2 nak tido...dulu ktorang g memeane je diye msti nak tdo....geraaaaam jer..pet2 lame x jmpe ko...tapi aku still engat ko la...haha..pas ni jgn lost contact plak tau...daaaa
AZIM IS HANDSOMEE and so baik.quiet :) but once u get to know him, he's all funnn
o'azim, pigeon yg up and down. one of a kind punya personality and attitude. azim handsome, baik and friendly tapi keding. he ckp bnyk and terlebih talkative at times if fikiran tak kusut.tak regret punya kawan dgn azim, he is an interesting person and azim bnyk kawan dgn girls and suka bnyk hot girls. azim petra merupakan kawan setakde life frina, and im lucky to be a friend of him.
---Amyra--- azim sweet.
diaa baek.
mya tak pernah meet him lg.
tp i heard so much
about him frm ash!
azim kuno.
bnyk gak bende yg diaa tak
taw pasal mya lg.
tp tak pe.
mya tak kesa!
sbb i love him sgt sgt!
back off bitches!
his mine!
azim.. hmmmm die cute.. die gla.. kdng2 kt skOla bengong2 ckt.. slalu hug ngn die... kwn baik faiz.... ske kwn ngn bdk2 hOt.. hahahaha iera rndu kt die sgt!!!
sengal... mengong cket!! kind da a gud fren(i think so..ahaks!) rawks! kind!(of course r..u r my fren babe)
gedik,AZIM gemok!,ngadeww jew..jalann pun cam malas.tapi azim beshhh.. dye suke IERA;iera pun suke dye.suke tidOoow..ameee pulakk tuh,salu kene buli ngan amer && faiz gemok.HAHA. dye mara faiz sebab cilop sape tahh aku pun tataw..gadow la korang shengal jee
hmm.. Azim? I miss you! yeah. i do.. who ask you to blah? kn da miss.. Anyway.. what can i say about you? well first, ur just wow! well, wonderful la! Kinda sweet, wait! no! really sweet! and your words makes me smile :). Ur a great guy, but kinda quite :P ? hahaha.. ye ke? Funny,really funny, especially when ur happy and hyper. and also when ur wif faiz.! haha.. last is that ur caring, well for me u r. luv u dear! *muahx*
you're fun..funny..and friendly..definitely the type tht can share problems with.. hmm..what else ekk..??hmmmi dont think you're a player..kidda cute tough..and and you're short..! but will grow taller someday..eheheh
hah. budak ni sumpah suke cakap babi. HAHAHHA. sikitsikit babi. HAHAH. then suka sakitkan hati ku. cam siudd tol. takpetakpe. then hes nice. kurus. keding. PENDEK. blh le juge memberi nasihat. and tak tahu nak letak apa lagi cause tak rapat.
Azim Petra - kurus kering mate stimm. dye ni best . x jemu2 online. berhijrah kat aus! bapak besshh. ntahh ah aku tak tau nak cakap pe pasal dye ni tp die memang best ah kalau wat member. tido tu memang hobi die. die sayang gile ngan pengakap die tuhh. ntah ahh aku cume nk cakap yg KAUBIJAK and KAUBEST ;]]
azim petra..hmm..wut a nice name..but tuannya?? blh arr...gile2 ar jgak..tapi pelembut..asl ngn pompuan je cair..bile ngn laki jd batu..terbakar ku dibuatnya...pastu dh terkene baru nk nyesal..haha..tu la dia azim..nmpk cam pendiam..tapi dlm otak..cam kat parlimen..haru biru..ade je yg di fikir kan...luaran?? tak terurus..tapi camne ntah blh jd tarikan minah2..tension tol..sanggup tinggalkn kwn sbb pompuan..ku terpaksa blk sorg2...sadis...sempoi.. slumber je...tak kesah je semua..ibarat dunia ni dia yg punya..ske ati je...ape org nk ckp pasal dia?? azim tak kesah pun..yg dia tau..blk tido..mlm on9...smpai skola tido...puasa bwk air kotak..nk awek cari dia..byk..but..dia solo lagi..relax je..tu la kisah nya insan bername azim petra
If you got your own opinion please message it or just send as a simple comment and i'll paste it here.