
[H]ave you missed me?
[E]verything alright?
[L]ike to see you
[L]ike to be with you
[O]bviously i miss you


[E]arthy [C]apricorn [C]haracter

Capricorn THE GOAT is the sign of the achiever

If Capricorns manage to conquer their natural reserve and shyness they can make terrific partners. Although they are cautious and introverted, they can be very faithful once in a relationship. They really need a partner who will support them emotionally, while giving them a much needed boost in confidence.

The bright side

One of Capricorns best assets is its sense of humour, this is often needed in their efforts to impose some kind of order on the world around them, (though not necessarily an order to everyone else's liking). Although the humour is dry, it does at least involve contact with others, something that the self contained

Capricorn does not excel at. What capricorn is very good at are those tasks that other signs, (except the other earth signs), find rather tedious. Capricorn is prudent, reliable and disciplined.
Reliable, determined, ambitious, careful, prudent, disciplined, hard working, persevering.

The dark side

Capricorns can be extremely rigid and pessimistic in their outlook, being gloomy, depressed and depressing in their interactions with others. They can also be emotionally cold and inhibited. The prudent and cautious side of their nature can be taken to extremes resulting in the unsociable realm of the miser.Capricorn needs to be in control to such an extent that they are often authoritarian. They distrust anything spontaneous which may deflect them from the task of changing the world to suit their own needs.
Rigid, harsh, ruthless, cold, over exacting, pessimistic, way too conventional, miserly, a wet blanket to enthusiasm.


Arthritis, rheumatism, skin complaints, knee injuries, bone diseases, depression, eczema.

Beneficial foods
Cabbage and kale.

You are most compatible with
Cancer - a good match.
Capricorn - long lasting.
Scorpio - very strong.
Aquarius - ok if you can converse with the alien.

Absolutely no chance!
Libra - sorry, not a winner!
Gemini - such hard work.
Sagittarius - unsuitable.
Leo - very different.
Aries - likely to argue.

Your opposite sign
is Cancer