
[H]ave you missed me?
[E]verything alright?
[L]ike to see you
[L]ike to be with you
[O]bviously i miss you


[I]f [I] [R]eturn [T]o [M]alaysia

Well the title says it all.The first thing i wanna do is meet An-Nuura(: talk about kisah lama,take some photos(: and THEN meet her lil sister SOFIA yang CHOMELL even i lost to her,salam auntie and smile macam Clown. then bawak mereka pergi makan lunch ^^, AZIM NAK MAKAN Berjaya's MEE CURRY,DAging PADAng && LEPAS TU PERGI TMC beli soya! ngaaa~!!belanja sofia teddy beAR!(ROAR~!!) thats not so cute. :D

Call faiz to pick me up and ketuk kepala each other then hug macam gay couple(AHA!).Suruh him bawa me jalan²,meet his girlfriend,and kept my kepulangan as a secret ^^.And esok i wanna go to my ex-school,meet some juniors after school ends or even better masa belajar :D(Jaga Kaorang!Aku Bagi Lolipop Kat Sorang².Ehe!) and ofcourse meet ---! bagi dia shark fin banyak²! aha..but first kena minta izin dekat her parent and her self :D(BOLEH TAK ---?) && waste whole day dengan her saja(;P biar ar! korang jealous asal?Kau pun Amira,tak yah jealous.You'll get your's).

Meet Iera on the next day,hug her ketat²! then salam arief(: (please jangan campak kerusi dekat aku seperti mu buat kepada amer :P,PADAN MUKA KO AMER!atleast berbaloi tul?dapat kiss.hehe!).Pergi tunggu dekat bawah rumah Amira and SMS her (HOI! TURUN!NAK KE TAK NAK?TAK NAK,AKU BLA DULU.PERGI CARI GIRLFRIEND BARU c(= GI MATI AR!) aha!mintak permission kat her parents&sis. then kick dia bila dah out from her family sight! ngaha! mati kau! sapa suruh jadi CHEAP!..eheh,then bawa dia pergi tengok movie yang paling bosan even if she say (dah tengok la cerita ni,bosan!)and end the day with a hug && a kiss (kalau la dia nak).Esok pula SMS sabrina (: ajak dia pergi OU or something,if she nak bawak her 'PAPAN' i dont mind ^^ then gi jalan2,shoppping,take photo's maybe,then STAB HER!lol jkjk.

&& then call my mum punya rakan sekerja yang kini tinggal di setapak (: mintak kerja if can :D then ajak faiz,fahmi,amer,amilia,atiqah,qilot,elly,nazz & annuura if shes free&& her adik SOFIA!& your partners if nak.(aku tak nak tanggun tambang partners korang) and we pergi somewhere yang everyone jarang pergi! (: girls tidur one room guys the other (: buat memories! ngehee.duduk dekat beach..keluar malam2 buat campfire pastu semua amik picture,baring²,and NO KISSING OKAY!(aku campak pasir kalau ada orang buat) && semua orang kena sporting.the trip aku rasa last for 3 days kot..semua naik VAN! ngaha! someone drive!ku tak ada lesen agaknya time tu.for the first night tu kita pergi tengok DRAMA!jangan cover² nak cry tu.

&& before the story ends! aku nak stalk semua orang yang azim minat! ngehe!those ppl includes:-
Qistina(ekkk..nnt kena Cakar of Death)
---(ekkk..nnt parents dia parang pulak)
Alina(ekkk..kang kena gelek scooter?lol!)
Sabrina(ekkk..tak nak dia adik angkat aku)
Iera(ekkk..dah hug!)
Amilia(ekkk..dah camping bersama!)
Nazz(ekkk..buat apa nak stalk dia ni?dia adik angkat gak)

& bagi iklil present ^^ sebab i feel like i want to.what a good friend she is.