
[H]ave you missed me?
[E]verything alright?
[L]ike to see you
[L]ike to be with you
[O]bviously i miss you



"Decode - Paramore" + "Azim" = "Sleepy"
On the way to Canberra.

Tak makan T__T Sakit o'Peruts
After that, went to the car and ate cookies :D

Chantique sungguh this house. i wish it's Afrina's

This is where mama got the idea for our name's.. LOL
tak lah..actually, mama put our names sebab dulu she duduk with her friend,
and her anak name is Petra. He's too smart sampai kena tunggu for his age to enter Uni.

AZIM! PONDAN :D look at me..EEE, Lembik!

bodo je this picture --"


Woke up dalam Food Court with faiz infront and ika beside me. i was sayin "lapar gila" and ika replied "pergi la makan", "ntah kau ni" faiz pulak. I was staring at the nasi goreng cina, "korang pergi order dulu ah"-azim. they pergi, faiz goes to McD infront of us and ika went to the kedai and order nasi goreng cina, i was like "wtf..she read my mind,adeh now kena think of other food". faiz return to the table with apetah and ika came back with the ticket number, baru je duduk..her food dah siap. she'd bring an extra plate "WTF!read my mind sungguh", then i waited till she dah half way makan.."amik ah sikit" she said.i took some, "lepas makan pergi mandi nak?" she said. "JOM"-azim, she laughed.."gelak pulak"-azim "okay JOM"-ika "kau ni azim"-faiz..THE END i woke up in real life pukul 7AM(msia) 10AM(aus)